February 20 – Why Israel? – Clinton, SC
Pastor Mark Entrekin had attended a CUFI Pastor’s Breakfast earlier in the week and when the pastor at the church where I was scheduled to speak on Sunday was tested positive for COVID canceled – he immediately called me. It took some hotel cancelations and a few hours driving to make it work but what a glorious Sunday morning we had. During the presentation several young high school students were sitting on the front row and vigorously nodding their heads up and down in agreement. I asked them how they knew about some of the generally unknow aspects of our things I was presenting, and they said they had learned it at school. I asked if it was a Christian school and they said no – it was the public high school in the area! I was shocked – until they introduced me to their teacher who is a member in the church and he is teaching some of the biblical mandates of standing with Israel along with the historic deep dive facts in our Why Israel message at a the public high school where he is a very highly esteemed teacher and football coach! I gave him a copy of the Israel Course as he has inroads with a local Christian high school and hopes to open the door for us.