December 4 – Night to Honor Israel – Sacramento, CA
Over one hundred and seventy people braved horrendous rain storms to attend the Night To Honor Israel Solidarity Banquet in Sacramento CA. The event was held at Mosaic Law synagogue’s event center and included messages from the synagogue’s Rabbi, Ben Herman, and Rabbi Emeritus Reuven Taff. Sandy Hagee Parker gave the evening’s keynote address, along with a beautiful rendition of Jerusalem of Gold a capella. Sandy’s daughter Olivia, was interviewed along with college student George Muntean and former student Liliya Maskovcevs about the work of CUFI On Campus. Pastor Corrine Cardoza and Rabbi Nancy Wechsler sang a duet of Psalm 150 in Hebrew. The audience was also blessed by the music of Melody Faith and her team, as well as Caitlyn Shannon’s leading of the Star Spangled Banner. An offering was received to sponsor several students from the Capitol region to attend CUFI’s Washington DC Summit.