
December 1 – Greenly, CO – Night To Honor Israel

On Sunday, December 1st, our CUFI National Hispanic Outreach Coordinator Rev. Peter De Jesus conducted our first-ever Bilingual Night To Honor Israel in Greeley, Colorado. This historic event was hosted by Pastor Rigo Magaña of New Hope Greeley who went to Israel earlier this year on one of our two Latino Pastors Israel Tours. As a result, he desired to host this epic event with his congregation and other congregations that were represented in this first-time event. Approximately 120 people from various churches in the area attended this bilingual NTHI, and many of them added action to their faith in their commitment to honor Israel and stand with the beloved Jewish people. In fact, many of the attendees became members of CUFI and gave offerings to the work of CUFI On Campus, while others expressed deep interest in attending our 2020 Washington DC Summit set for June 28th-30th. It was great to find out from Pastor Magaña that he and his wife Co-Pastor Carmen Magaña will take a group of almost 70 of their congregants to Israel next Summer. Additionally, after our event, Pastor Magaña expressed his desire to host two CUFI Pastors Meetings in 2020 for the English-speaking and Spanish-speaking Pastors in his area. Thus this event was very successful on multiple levels for Zion’s sake!