
Dec 5 Orlando, FL Pastors Meeting

On Wednesday, December 5,2018, our CUFI National Hispanic Outreach Coordinator, Rev. Peter De Jesus,conducted a Spanish Pastors Meeting Breakfast in Orlando, Florida. This event was held in Casa Roca Orlando church and was hosted by Sam Rodriguez of Christ For All Nations, who went to Israel with CUFI earlier this year. As a result of the impact our Israel Trip had on him, together with Casa Roca Orlando’s Pastors Gustavo and Malu Barrero, Sam Rodriguez gathered 32 Pastors and Leaders from the Orlando area to receive the vision, mission and pro-Israel biblical mandate of CUFI. Consequently, many of the Pastors and Leaders became CUFI members and also gave offerings to the work of our CUFI On Campus efforts.Additionally, Pastors Barrero and another Pastor requested to host “Why Israel”CUFI events for their local congregations early next year. We believe the impact of this event went far beyond the event itself.