Corker-Menendez Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act
There is an important bill in Congress — the Corker-Menendez Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act — that will ensure Congress reviews any nuclear agreement with Iran. President Obama has announced that he will veto this legislation Thus it is not enough that Corker-Menendez pass, but it must pass by a veto-proof majority of 67.
Last week, CUFI launched a multi-front campaign to build support for Corker-Menendez. We began with an action alert that has thus far generated more than 72,000 emails from CUFI members to their senators demanding that they support this bill.
This week, we ran full-page advertisements urging support for Corker-Menendez in the home-state newspapers of four Democratic senators we view as critical to building a veto-proof majority: Senators Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), Jon Tester (D-MT), Cory Booker (D-NJ) and Mark Warner (D-VA). We followed up these ads with targeted e-mail and phone call campaigns.
A Washington Post columnist wrote that “CUFI is doing what very few Jewish pro-Israel or other pro-defense groups are doing: Putting the spotlight on those who talk big and hide in the shadows, too timid to oppose the White House.”
Our campaign has helped narrow the gap. We are now two senators away from the veto-proof majority we need. With your help, we intend to keep the pressure on until these last two votes are secured.