Australian Jewish Group Charges Amazon With “Betrayal” as Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” Remains on Sale
Australia’s leading Jewish civil rights organization hammered online retail giant Amazon on Monday for allegedly reneging on a pledge to stop selling Mein Kampf — the viciously-antisemitic manifesto written by Nazi leader Adol Hitler while in prison.
According to reports last month, booksellers around the world were informed by Amazon that they would no longer be allowed to sell a number of Nazi-authored books on the website, including Hitler’s screed and books designed to spread antisemitic ideas among children.
But in a statement on Monday, the Anti-Defamation Commission (ADC) — a Jewish communal group combating antisemitism in Australia — charged that Amazon had “now reversed its position and is once again selling this satanic manifesto.”
The ADC noted that “in addition to a hardcover edition, Amazon Australia is also offering a Kindle version of ‘Mein Kampf’ which features Hitler’s paintings and poems.”
Dvir Abramovich — the CEO of the ADC — asserted that “Amazon Australia has betrayed us all.”
“Consider the pain a Holocaust survivor, who lost family at the hands of the Nazis, would feel knowing that this blueprint for genocide is sitting on Amazon’s virtual shelves,” Abramovich said.
Read More: Algemeiner