
August 29 – Why Israel – Dover, DE

Pastor Dr. Mary Zaragoza and her husband Pastor Ennio hosted two Why Israel Sunday events at the church she and her husband oversee in Dover, DE. The first service was in English and Pastor Ennio set up the message with a powerful plea for his congregation to “take notes, be attentive, and put away every distraction” as he had been so moved by the Pastor’s Breakfast we had held the morning before.

The second service at Maranatha was a Spanish service and Pastor Zaragoza did a masterful job of translating my message with me. Her husband set up the service with the same admonition – and the result was that almost every family in the congregation became members of CUFI and they are excited about attending the July 2022 DC Summit as a church! They have several college students that are interested in CUFI on Campus and I immediately e-troduced all of them to our new Campus leaders in their area for follow up.