
April 6 – Chambersburg, PA – Spanish Why Israel

On Saturday, April 6th, our CUFI National Hispanic Outreach Coordinator Rev. Peter De Jesus conducted our first-ever Spanish Why Israel event in the city of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. This event was hosted by Pastors Federico and Edna Laureano of Iglesia De Dios Aposento Alto. Due to the attendance of over 200 Pastors, Leaders, and congregants representing approximately 9 churches in their region, the host pastors’ congregation rented a larger sanctuary at Chambersburg Church of the Brethren to accommodate this great group. As a result of Rev. De Jesus presenting the vision, mission, and Pro-Israel biblical mandate of CUFI, the host pastors, visiting pastors, leaders, and many of the congregants joined our CUFI membership, became members of our Daughters For Zion Prayer Network, and generously gave an offering of approximately $2,200.00 towards blessing Israel and towards the work of our CUFI On Campus efforts. Additionally, Pastors Laureano and several of the visiting pastors and leaders expressed interest in attending our DC Summit this July. This event was so extraordinary that Pastors Laureano announced that this would be the first of many annual CUFI events to come in Chambersburg and the surrounding area. In fact, upon the completion of this epic event, Pastors Laureano requested to co-host another CUFI event in York, Pennsylvania later on this year. And as if that was not enough, Pastors Laureano also committed to helping represent our CUFI Hispanic Outreach efforts in their city and beyond. With all that said, this historic event set the stage for even greater events to come in the coming months and years ahead!