
April 15 Anaheim, CA Bilingual Stand with Israel

Our Anaheim Hispanic Outreach City Directors, Pastors David and Raquel Lazo of Church of Power, hosted a great bilingual Standing With Israel event on Sunday, April 15th. It was a special treat to have in attendance, former NFL player Rosey Grier and his precious bride Cydnee, who are staunch members and supporters of CUFI. This bilingual event was attended by almost 100 congregants who received and responded very well to the CUFI vision, mission and biblical mandated presented by our National Hispanic Outreach Coordinator, Rev. Peter De Jesus. Many of the congregants joined or reconfirmed their membership with CUFI in addition to joining our Daughters For Zion Prayer Network and giving a special offering for our national student efforts of CUFI On Campus. Consequently, we are now in the process of planning a Pastors & Leaders Dinner Briefing for this city later on this year. All of this and more is greatly helping our National Hispanic Outreach efforts in this Greater Los Angeles region!