April 18 – Conference – Albuquerque, NM
On Tuesday, April 18th Sandi and I attended the Assemblies of God annual NM Ministry Net “Net Con” Convention in Albuquerque to set up our CUFI booth. The Convention dates were April 18th through April 20th. Those who came to our booth ranged from millennials, pastors, campus leaders from Chi Alpha, and some from Teen Challenge NM. There were introductions to CUFI and materials were given out. Some signed our sign up sheet to receive more information about CUFI. I met with two of the pastors that The Network Pastor of the AOG NM Ministry Network mentioned to Randy Neal and me on a Zoom call that he wanted to suggest going to the this year’s Summit. They were very exciting in being asked to attend. For me it was encouraging to meet a couple of Native American pastors who expressed an interest in learning more about CUFI and even possibly doing an “ISRAEL IS…” event. One of them came to the booth and took a couple of “Why Israel” books and other CUFI information.