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In The News

U.S. and Israel looking at Iran from “much closer point of view”

The U.S.-Israel talks on Iran this week were positive and showed that the two countries are looking at the issue from a “much closer point of view,” a senior Israeli official told Axios.

Why it matters: The talks at the White House, which were the first of their kind since the new right-wing Israeli government assumed office, took place amid…

In The News

4 patients receive corneal transplants from brothers killed in terror attack

Four patients have received the transplanted corneas of two brothers killed in a terror attack last week, the Belinson Hospital announced Wednesday.

Hallel Yaniv, 21, and Yagel Yaniv, 19, from the Har Bracha settlement in the northern West Bank, were killed when their car was ambushed as they drove through the nearby Palestinian town of Huwara…

In The News

Shin Bet says it busted Turkey-based Hamas ring planning attacks in Israel

Four Palestinians from the West Bank were detained in recent weeks over plans to carry out attacks on behalf of the Hamas terror group, the Shin Bet security agency said Monday.

According to the Shin Bet, Ahmed Mahmoud Abu Salah, 24, a student, was arrested several weeks ago after returning from studying abroad.

The Shin Bet said that while…

In The News

US backs Israel’s ‘legitimate right’ to fight terror following Jenin operation

The United States expressed support on Tuesday for an Israeli counter-terror operation in Jenin earlier in the day. During the daylight raid, Israeli forces eliminated the terrorist responsible for the murder of two Israelis on Feb. 26, according to the Israel Defense Forces.

Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

Gaza terrorists fire rocket towards Israel, setting off sirens

Palestinian terrorists in the Gaza Strip fired a rocket towards Israel overnight Tuesday, hours after Israeli forces killed a wanted terrorist during a daytime raid in Jenin.

The rocket, which triggered sirens in the southern Israeli community of Nir Am, misfired and landed inside the Palestinian enclave, according to the military.


In The News

Explosive device detonated near IDF troops on Gaza border; tanks shell Hamas post

Palestinians set off an explosive device on Wednesday near Israeli soldiers operating on the border with the Gaza Strip, the military said. Israeli tanks fired shells at a Hamas observation post in response.

There were no soldiers reported hurt in the incident.

According to the Israel Defense Forces, troops conducting routine operations on…

In The News

Iran expected to avoid censure for latest nuclear steps after ‘concrete’ commitments

Iran will evade fresh censure by the UN nuclear watchdog after making “concrete” commitments over the weekend to be transparent following the discovery of particles enriched to near weapons grade, diplomats told AFP on Monday.

The development comes after International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) head Rafael Grossi received assurances from Iran…

In The News

Iran was behind last month’s cyberattack on the Technion

Iran was behind a cyberattack on a major research university in Israel last month, the Israel National Cyber Directorate announced on Tuesday.

An investigation of the hacking attack on the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa revealed that a group known as MuddyWater was responsible. The group is affiliated with Iran’s Ministry of…

In The News

Syria says Israeli jets strike Aleppo airport, shutting it down

The Israeli Air Force allegedly carried out an airstrike at the airport in the northern Syrian city of Aleppo in the early hours of Tuesday morning, according to Syrian state media.

There were no immediate reports of casualties, but Syria’s state news agency, SANA, said the airport has been shut down due to the damage sustained from the strike….

In The News

Palestinian Huwara terrorist killed in IDF raid of Jenin refugee camp

A joint IDF, Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) and Border Police operation in Jenin led to the killing of the terrorist who killed two Israeli brothers in Huwara on February 26, as well as likely three other Palestinians.

The terrorist had carried out a shooting attack in which two Israeli brothers, Hallel Menachem Yaniv and Yagel Ya’acov…

In The News

More Palestinians than ever want Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem – poll

More Palestinians are supporting Israeli sovereignty in Jerusalem, according to a poll conducted by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR) in November which was published last month.

The poll examined the shifts in Palestinian attitudes since 2010 when a similar poll was conducted.

Read more: The Jerusalem Post

In The News

Iran may be behind BDS ‘hit list’ targeting Boston Jews – report

The Islamic Republic of Iran may be the regime that created an anonymous “Mapping Project” website that serves to pinpoint locations of Jewish or Zionist communal spaces and organizations as well as law enforcement agencies in Massachusetts in an “attempt to expose and isolate” supporters of Israel.

The Mapping Project also includes “a…

In The News

Tensions on Lebanon border as IDF patrol reportedly crosses Blue Line

Tensions rose along the Israeli-Lebanese border and the Lebanese Army was put on alert Sunday after reports that an IDF patrol crossed the frontier.

“An Israeli enemy patrol breached the Blue Line in Aita al-Shaab , to a distance of approximately one meter,” the Lebanese army said in a statement.

Read more: Jewish News Syndicate

In The News

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to visit Israel

U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is scheduled to arrive in Israel on Thursday, amid reports that Jerusalem could be readying a strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities.

The Pentagon chief arrived in Amman, Jordan on Sunday for a Mideast tour which in addition to Israel will also take in Egypt. It marks Austin’s second diplomatic trip to the…

In The News

‘Punishment of Death’: FBI Arrests Michigan Man Who Allegedly Threatened to Kill Jewish Officials

A Michigan man who allegedly threatened to kill Jewish state government officials was on Wednesday charged with transmitting interstate threats following an investigation conducted by the FBI and state police.

“I’m heading back to Michigan now threatening to carry out the punishment of death to anyone that is jewish in the Michigan govt if…

In The News

Iran seeks to receive S-400 missile systems from Russia

Iran has requested a new air-defense system, S-400s, from Russia, which could prove problematic for Israel.

Russia has yet to publicly confirm if it will supply the S-400s in question.  If supplied, Iran will need only two years for the system to become operational.

Read more: The Jerusalem Post

In The News

Top Israeli officials to visit D.C. amid concerns over Iran’s nuclear program

Israeli Minister for Strategic Affairs Ron Dermer and national security adviser Tzachi Hanegbi are expected to visit Washington early next week for meetings with senior Biden administration officials that will focus on Iran, two Israeli and U.S. officials said.

Read more: Axios

In The News

Top US military officer in Israel to talk security

Gen. Mark Milley, whose chairmanship of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff ends in the fall, arrived in Israel on Friday to talk with counterparts.

“They will address the many challenges and opportunities facing Israel and the Middle East region,” stated Col. Dave Butler, a spokesman for the general.

Read more: Jewish News Syndicate