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U.S. sanctions target suspected suppliers to Iran ballistic missile program

Washington on Wednesday imposed sanctions on a procurement agent in Iran and his companies and accused them of helping to support Tehran’s ballistic missile program following missile attacks by suspected Iran-backed proxies against countries in the region.
In a statement issued as talks stalled on reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, the U.S….

Cop Amir Khoury, who halted Bnei Brak terror, mourned as ‘hero of Israel’ at funeral

Family, friends, and vast crowds of people who had never met police officer Amir Khoury paid their last respects to the “hero of Israel” Thursday, hailing him for rushing to the scene of a deadly terror attack in Bnei Brak, stopping the killing, but paying with his life.

Thousands attended the funeral of Khoury, 32, a Christian Arab from Nof…

Audit shows increase in anti-Semitic incidents, especially in Wisconsin schools

A new audit by the Jewish Community Relations Council of the Milwaukee Jewish Federation revealed an increase of 450 percent in reported anti-Semitic incidents in Wisconsin since 2015.

While the annual audit released last week also showed that the overall number of incidents went down 4 percent from 2020, in the last year there has been an 80…

In The News

US envoy says Israel’s ‘hands not tied’ on Iran, even if nuke deal signed

US Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides said on Thursday Israel won’t be faced with any American restrictions if it wishes to act against Iran, whether or not a nuclear deal is signed between Tehran and world powers.

Asked in a Channel 12 interview if the US expects Israel to “sit quietly and not do anything” if a deal is signed, Nides replied:…

In The News

Senate unanimously confirms Deborah Lipstadt as antisemitism monitor

The Senate in a voice vote unanimously confirmed Deborah Lipstadt, the Holocaust scholar who endured delays and a contentious hearing in her nomination to be antisemitism monitor.

The vote late Wednesday took mere seconds. “The ayes appear to have it,” Sen. Tammy Baldwin, the Wisconsin Democrat who was presiding over the session, said after…

In The News

US targets Iran missile program with sanctions after strikes on regional rivals

The United States on Wednesday announced sanctions against Iranian defense companies after a spate of ballistic missile attacks on targets in Iraq, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates

The US and Iran’s neighbors blame Tehran for a March 13 strike on Erbil, Iraq, and for repeated missile strikes into Saudi Arabia and the UAE by…

In The News

‘Intifada until victory’: Pro-Palestinian demonstrators rally in New York

Several hundred pro-Palestinian protesters gathered in New York City on Wednesday to protest against Israel-linked organizations on “Land Day,” an annual Palestinian protest event.

The demonstrators gathered outside Grand Central Station in Manhattan, while a small group of pro-Israel counter-protesters assembled across the street, bearing…

In The News

Ahead of Passover, Homeland Security steps up effort to protect Jewish facilities and congregants

Colleyville. Pittsburgh. Poway.

Too many Jewish institutions are wondering if they’ll be next. Too many in Brooklyn, N.Y., and elsewhere already deal with the reality of anti-Semitic attacks that keep on coming.

The federal government says it stands ready to help ahead of the holiday season.

Marcus Coleman, director of the U.S. Department…

In The News

Operation ‘Wave Breaker:’ IDF, security forces aim to stem rising tide of terrorism

The joint operation by Israeli security forces to stem the rising tide of terrorist attacks has been dubbed ‘Wave Breaker’ hours after IDF troops exchanged gunfire with terrorists in Jenin and a stabbing attack occurred on a bus in Gush Etzion on Thursday.

One IDF soldier was lightly injured and three Palestinian gunmen were reported killed in…

In The News

One wounded in stabbing near Efrat; Terrorist neutralized

One person was wounded on Thursday morning in a stabbing attack on a bus on Route 60 near Neve Daniel in Judea and Samaria.

The terrorist was shot and killed by another passenger, according to reports from the scene.

The assailant, who was armed with a screwdriver, began attacking passengers as the bus passed the town of Elazar. The bus…

In The News

Palestinian terrorist kills five in Bnei Brak shooting spree

Five people were killed by a Palestinian terrorist who opened fire on passersby in Bnei Brak on Tuesday night, marking the third deadly terror attack in Israel in eight days.

The gunman was killed by two police officers following a rampage just before 8 p.m. that saw him open fire on people out walking, riding bikes, or driving in their cars in…

In The News

Israeli Navy, US 5th Fleet begin largest ever joint drill

The Israeli Navy this week is participating in its largest ever joint maritime exercise with the US Fifth Fleet, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) announced on Tuesday.
The 10-day drill, dubbed “Intrinsic Defender,” began on Sunday with the activities taking place simultaneously in the waters of the Mediterranean and Red seas.
A total of 300…

In The News

18 reported bomb threats directed at US JCCs and synagogues in March

Since the beginning of March, there have been at least 18 reported bomb threats directed at Jewish Community Centers (JCCs) and synagogues in nine states, according to a report by the Secure Community Network (SCN). In a press release by the Jewish Security organization in the US, it said that it “is actively working with community leaders and law…

In The News

ISIS-inspired terrorists creating intelligence challenges in Israel

ISIS-inspired terrorists create significant challenges for intelligence agencies that make them harder to pick up, and Israeli security forces need to adopt new patterns of operation following back-to-back terror attacks, a former defense official has told JNS.

Col. (res.) David Hacham, a former Arab-affairs adviser to seven Israeli defense…

In The News

Bennett: ‘We are dealing with a new wave of terrorism’

The Israeli military has raised its level of alert and is preparing for a variety of violent scenarios and escalations following a spate of deadly attacks that claimed the lives of 11 Israeli in one week.

“The IDF is prepared for a variety of scenarios and will act to the extent necessary to maintain the routine of the lives of the residents of…

Iowa governor signs antisemitism, Israel boycott bills

Iowa’s governor signed bills into law this week codifying a definition of antisemitism for the state and restricting state business with companies that boycott Israel.

One of the two bills signed by Republican Kim Reynolds on Wednesday calls for the state to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition of antisemitism in…

Announcing permanent regional forum, Israel, Arab states laud alliance, decry terror

At their historic summit in the Israeli Negev town of Sde Boker on Monday, the top diplomats of Israel, the US and four Arab nations announced that the conference would be the first iteration of a permanent regional forum, as they reaffirmed the importance of growing ties between Israel and the broader Middle East.

The foreign ministers of…

Hadera victims named as Border Police officers Yezen Falah and Shirel Abukarat

Police identified the two people killed in the Hadera terror attack as Border Police officers Yezen Falah and Shirel Abukarat, both 19, saying that the two officers saved many lives in the attack.

“The two officers died in battle this evening with armed terrorists,” the Border Police said in a statement after midnight Sunday, adding that three…