In The News

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In The News

4 Palestinians arrested for breaking into IDF base in south

Four Palestinians were arrested overnight Monday for allegedly attempting to steal military equipment from a training zone in southern Israel.

According to police, after a series of break-ins at army bases in the south in recent weeks, undercover officers as well as the police drone unit were deployed to the area.

Border Police officers…

In The News

Lapid calls on White House not to delist Iran’s Guards as terror group

Foreign Minister Yair Lapid indicated on Monday that the Biden administration may be open to delisting the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps as a terrorist organization, and called on international actors to convince the White House to reject this Iranian demand.

“Everyone in his right mind should talk to the administration about this and tell…

In The News

Ship-mounted Iron Dome completes ‘complex’ trial against threats at sea

An upgraded version of the Iron Dome air defense system has completed a set of “complex” trials simulating threats the system is likely to face at sea, the Defense Ministry and military announced Monday.

The advanced model of the Iron Dome was installed on the Israeli Navy’s new Sa’ar-6 corvettes, which are tasked with guarding the natural gas…

In The News

Antisemitism in 2022 is rising at a rate unprecedented since the 1930s

February 14 marked 126 years since the publication of Theodor Herzl’s book Der Judenstaat (The Jewish State). Herzl firmly believed the creation of a Jewish homeland would eliminate antisemitism; it was his solution to the Jewish question. He wrote, “I think Jews will always have sufficient enemies, such as every nation but, once in their own…

In The News

FBI investigating antisemitic flyers in Colleyville

Colleyville police contacted the FBI over antisemitic and white supremacist flyers found in driveways, which are being investigated as a hate crime, according to FOX7 Austin reports.

One flyer claimed “every single aspect of the COVID agenda is Jewish,” according to the report. Another made connections to Jewish members of the Biden…

In The News

Iron Dome activated following UAV crossing from Lebanon to Israel

Red alerts sounded in the northern Galilee area, the Jordan Valley and the southern Golan Heights on Friday morning after an unmanned aerial vehicle crossed into Israel from Lebanon.

At least two rounds of red alert sirens were activated in the North, the first time in several months.

According to the military, the sirens were activated…

In The News

Mike Pompeo at prayer breakfast: Pray for Israel, Jewish prosperity

Former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo delivered recorded remarks at the Jerusalem Prayer Breakfast on Tuesday in Tallinn, Estonia calling for prayer for peace in Jerusalem and in Eastern Europe where winds of war between Russia and Ukraine have captivated the region.

“I wish I could be there in-person with you, in Estonia, to pray with you…

In The News

‘F*ck’ Jews’ daubed outside Israeli restaurant in NYC

A recently opened Israeli restaurant on the Upper West Side has been vandalized with vulgar, antisemitic graffiti.

On Thursday morning, staffers arrived at Miriam, an Israeli eatery on Amsterdam Ave. and 74th St. that opened on Jan. 24, to find the words “Fuck Jews” spray-painted three times on its outdoor dining shed.

According to Patch,…

In The News

Jewish Louisville mayor candidate ‘traumatized’ as shooting suspect released

A Louisville mayoral candidate said Thursday that he was “traumatized” by the news that the man charged with drawing a gun and firing at him earlier this week had been placed on home incarceration.

Quintez Brown, 21, was arrested and charged with attempted murder shortly after Monday’s shooting in Louisville. The Democratic candidate, Craig…

In The News

Bipartisan concern grows over Iran nuclear deal emerging in Vienna

As the Iran nuclear negotiations appear to be heading into the final stretch, U.S. lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have been expressing growing concern over what the final agreement, if reached, will bring.

Recently, Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), chair of the powerful Senate Foreign Relations Committee questioned the Biden administration’s…

In The News

Outrage after Bulgarian politician gives Nazi salute in European Parliament

STRASBOURG, France — A Bulgarian nationalist legislator gave a Nazi salute in the chamber of the European Parliament in Strasbourg on Wednesday, sparking outrage after he spoke during a debate on the rule of law in Poland and Hungary.

Going up the steps that lead to the exit of the hemicycle, Angel Dzhambazki of the euroskeptic ECR group can be…

In The News

Lebanon never refused Israeli aid, they just never responded

Israel never received any responses from various international agencies and organizations to the country’s numerous offers of aid to Lebanon, The Jerusalem Post has learned.

Since the devastating explosion of Beirut’s port in the summer of 2020 and the ongoing financial crisis, Jerusalem has offered aid to Beirut multiple times including to the…

In The News

Israeli strike said to target Syrian military base used by Iranian militias

Israel launched a missile strike on targets in the Damascus area on Wednesday night, Syrian state media reported.

The Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) said early on Thursday morning that Israel launched the strike from the Golan Heights at around 11:35 p.m. on Wednesday. Syria’s air defense system was not activated and there were no immediate…

In The News

Australia to designate all of Hamas a terrorist organization

Australia announced on Thursday that it would designate the entire Hamas movement as a terrorist organization, Australian media reported.

Previously, the country only listed Hamas’ military wing, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades.

“The views of Hamas and the violent extremist groups listed today are deeply disturbing, and there is no place…

In The News

Nasrallah said to make Iran trip to discuss response to any Israel hit on nuke sites

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah made a rare trip some two months ago from his secure, secret location in Beirut to Tehran, where his Iranian backers impressed on him the expectation that the Lebanese terror group will respond militarily to any Israeli strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities, Channel 12 News reported Wednesday.

Iran, which backs…

In The News

Israeli woman becomes first Druze athlete to set national track record

Karawan Halabi, 27, on Tuesday became the first Druze athlete to set an Israeli track and field record, finishing the 1,000-meter race in 2:43:99 minutes.

The previous record belonged to Edna Lankri, whose time of 2:46.03 minutes had stood for 25 years.

Halabi first made history in 2019 as the first Druze athlete to win a national…

In The News

Nancy Pelosi at the Knesset: ‘Israel’s proximity to Iran is a threat to us all’

US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in a ceremony at the Knesset on Wednesday that the United States and Israel are allied in the face of the threat from Iran.

“We are together in the fight against terrorism posed by Iran, both in the region and also its nuclear development. The nuclear threat by Iran is a global one. It is a threat to the…

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Bennett discusses Iran with visiting US Senator Lindsey Graham

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett met with US Senator Lindsey Graham at the Prime Minister’s Office in Jerusalem on Monday morning.

Their discussion focused on “the Iranian threat, which is faced by both Israel and the US, and ways to deal with it,” according to a readout by the PMO.

“They also discussed the security challenges in the Middle…