
Talking Points

Update on the Dangerous Iran Deal

President Obama’s dangerous Iran deal is the preeminent foreign policy challenge of our day. Congress is now almost half way through the 60 day review period for deciding whether or not to support this disastrous agreement that will put $150 billion in the hands of the world’s leading sponsor of terror and will birth a Middle East nuclear arms race.

Monmouth University released a poll this morning that found 61% of Americans do not trust Iran to abide by the terms of the agreement.  This distrust was validated by a report released today that a Hamas tunnel digger captured by Israel confirmed Iranian financial backing and advanced weapons training for Hamas.

But, there is encouraging news over the last few days… Nearly a dozen Democrats, including Senator Chuck Schumer, Congressmen Elliot Engel and Brad Sherman, have come out in opposition to the deal.  This is a good start, but we’ve much work to do and an uphill battle to climb.

CUFI is laser focused on defeating the Iran deal. Over the last 3
weeks, CUFI members have sent over 300,000 emails to Congress asking them to oppose this deal.  Thousands of CUFI members called their members of Congress asking them to oppose the deal.

We have collected the most comprehensive list of town hall meetings being held by undecided members of Congress and are organizing our members to attend the meetings and ask questions about the deal.

You can view all the town hall meetings here. We are also setting up in-state and in-district lobbying meetings with undecided Members of Congress to ask them to vote against the deal.

In order to be successful we need veto proof majorities in both the House and Senate.  We need your help.   

If you have not
emailed Congress asking them to vote against the deal, please click here now.

you have not called Congress asking them to vote against the deal, please click here now. If you’ve already called them, please call them again.

If you would like to attend a town hall meeting or meeting with your member of Congress please, email