The Israel Collective
As most of you know, some of the largest mainline Protestant denominations have turned on Israel. When the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) or the United Methodist Church take action relating to the Middle East, it’s to debate divesting their funds from Israel; and it is from Israel — not Iran — that they divest. This betrayal did not happen overnight; it’s over a generation in the making. For decades,anti-Israel activists have targeted these churches. They have exploited Christian morality and language to make the case that Christianity demands opposition to Israel. Today they are reaping the toxic harvest of these years of lies.
Now the anti-Israel crowd is working hard to repeat this success in the evangelical world. They are trying to turn our young people against the Jewish state. And they are doing so by exploiting the high-minded values and spirit of love that characterize our millennial generation.
We cannot let this pattern be repeated. We cannot let these attacks go unanswered. We cannot, and we will not.
We are proud to announce the launch of an official movement to push back against these lies called The Israel Collective (www.IsraelCollective.org). This new effort is being run by millennial Christians for millennial Christians. Their goal is to demonstrate that Christian values demand that our young people stand with the Jewish state. Millennials are focused on Jesus’ love and compassion. And Israel is the only country in the Middle East living out this love — including the love of one’s enemies — on a daily basis. Millennials stand with the oppressed. And Israel provides the only safe haven for oppressed Arab Christians and Muslims in the entire region. Millennials love diversity. And Israel is the most diverse country in the Middle East, if not the planet.
The time has come to tell the truth about Israel. The time has come for The Israel Collective.