
Standing With Israel June 7 – Kent, WA

The Wednesday, June 7th Standing With Israel event in Kent, Washington was great in more ways than one! It was hosted by Pastors Mauricio and Ana Gomez of Iglesia Calvary Chapel Hispano Kent and attended by Mission’s Pastor John Martin of Calvary Chapel South in Kent, WA. The presentation was delivered by our National Hispanic Outreach Coordinator Rev. Peter De Jesus, and was given in the Spanish language upon request. Although a small group of approximately 21 parishioners attended, Mission’s Pastor John Martin who also speaks Spanish attended this event and was greatly moved by the pro-Israel bible teaching along with everyone else. The impact was so great that not only did the Spanish ministry become an official CUFI member and gave an offering to CUFI with an open invitation for future events, but additionally Pastor Martin expressed interest in having an English CUFI presentation given later this year by Randy Neal, our CUFI Western Regional Coordinator, to their English-speaking congregation which is over 1,500 in size. Therefore, this event carried a double-portion impact!

June 7 Kent WA 2