
September 22 – Never Again with Irving Roth

On Tuesday, September 22nd, our CUFI Field Coordinator, Rev. Peter De Jesus, hosted a “Never Again” Zoom Webinar with Holocaust Survivor Irving Roth. This virtual event was attended by 33 Hispanic Pastors and CUFI Leaders from 16 states in the nation and Puerto Rico, who went on our CUFI Latino Pastors Israel Tours over the past two years. During this event, the attendees received an update on our new CUFI documentary film, “Never Again,” to be released in October, and an exclusive 40-minute riveting and revealing Holocaust Survivor testimonial from Irving Roth. Additionally, the attendees were encouraged to become Theater Champions for “Never Again” in their respective areas and in their churches for future screenings with their congregations. Needless to say, this webinar was very insightful and impactful!