
September 15th Fremont, CA Bilingual Night to Honor Israel

On Sunday, September 15th, our CUFI National Hispanic Outreach Coordinator Rev. Peter De Jesus conducted our first-ever bilingual Night To Honor Israel in Freemont, California at Templo Betania. This epic event was co-hosted by Templo Betania’s Senior Pastor Alberto Gonzalez and our CUFI Hispanic Outreach City Directors for the cities of South San Francisco, San Francisco, and Oakland – Pastor Ivan Zelaya, Pastor Joel Roman, and Pastor Raul Sanchez who is a CUFI Latino Pastors Israel Tour Alumni. Additionally, we were blessed to have our CUFI Oakland City Director Pastor Edward Ailsworthe and Oakland’s Rabbi Mark Bloom of Temple Beth Abraham additionally participate at this historic gathering. As a result of this event which was power-packed with jubilant praise, joyous Hebraic dance, the sounding of the shofars, and multiple Pro-Israel addresses by our CUFI Leadership Team, many of the event attendees became CUFI members and gave offerings to the work of CUFI On Campus. Thus, this event was quite inspirational, insightful, and impactful, to say the least!