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Republicans, Israel increase pressure against Biden moves to reset relations with Iran


A growing number of leaders from Israel to Congress are increasing pressure on corporate America and President Biden to avoid making a bad deal with Iran that would lift sanctions or provide cash aid to Tehran without major concessions to end its terrorism, nuclear and other malign activities.

The pressure campaign comes after the Biden administration revealed in February its intent to enter into talks with Iran to return to the Obama era-nuclear deal known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action and to lift sanctions imposed by the Trump administration after it withdrew from the JCPOA.

The counteroffensive began in February, when nearly three dozen Republicans cosponsored a Senate resolution “opposing the lifting of sanctions imposed with respect to Iran without addressing the full scope of Iran’s malign activities, including its nuclear program, ballistic and cruise missile capabilities, weapons proliferation, support for terrorism, hostage-taking, gross human rights violations, and other destabilizing activities.”

Read More: JustTheNews