
October 26 – Trinity, TX

On Saturday, October 26th, our CUFI National Hispanic Outreach Coordinator Rev. Peter De Jesus conducted a Spanish Why Israel event in Trinity, Texas at the Assemblies of God Texas Louisiana Hispanic District’s annual Men’s Retreat. This CUFI event was hosted by District Men’s Director Pastor Oscar Mondragon who went to Israel last year on our Latino Pastors Israel Tour and desired to introduce CUFI to many of the men of his district. As a result, approximately 202 men attended this event and received a CUFI Spanish presentation which highlighted CUFI’s vision, mission, and biblical mandate for Christians to stand with Israel and the Jewish people. It was great to see so many of the men present become new members of CUFI and to also confirm the participation of their District Superintendent, Pastor Eleazar Rodriguez, Jr., on our 2020 Latino Pastors Israel Tour. We look forward to further collaborating with this great AG Hispanic District as we continue sharing with their local congregations in Louisiana and the Southeast part of Texas about the great importance of Hispanic Evangelicals standing in solidarity with Israel!