
November 9 Ringgold, Georgia 4th Annual Night To Honor Israel

Christians United for Israel (CUFI) held our fourth annual Chattanooga & North Georgia  Night to Honor Israel. Several hundred gathered, both Jews and Christians, to celebrate the importance of Israel and the Jewish community.  We were honored to have the executive team of the Jewish Federation of Greater Chattanooga present for the celebration.

The evening begin with prayer  and the sounding of the shofar, then quickly moved to the celebratory voices of the Lee Singers.

IDF Major(Res) Elliot Chodoff, our first keynote speaker, provided a survey and briefing of the Middle East. He explained the complexities and ill-fated components of the Iran nuclear deal.

Following the major, our final Keynote of the evening was Pastor Matthew Hagee of Cornerstone Church in San Antonio Texas. He covered biblical reasons to stand with Israel and the Jewish people. In addition, he made time for a brief update from his sister, Sandra Hagee-Parker.  She is the Chairwoman of the CUFI Action Fund and testified earlier this week to the US House Judiciary Committee on the anti-Semetic atrocities occurring on college campuses in  the United States.

We are deeply thankful to the community for their undying and unwavering support for Israel and the well-being of the Jewish community.