
May 15th Austin, TX Spanish Pastors Meeting

On Wednesday, May 15th, our CUFI National Hispanic Outreach Coordinator Rev. Peter De Jesus conducted a Spanish-speaking Pastors Meeting in Austin, Texas. This event was hosted by our Austin Hispanic Outreach City Director Pastor Marco Tony Castilla, who is also the Vice-President of the “Alianza Latina Ministerial de Austin – A.L.M.A.” under the leadership of their President Pastor Alan Ramirez. As a result of the Pastors receiving our CUFI presentation and biblical mandate to stand with Israel, some became CUFI members, joined our Daughters For Zion Prayer Network, and gave offerings towards our CUFI On Campus efforts. Additionally, several of the Pastors who attended expressed interest in also attending later this year our regional Spanish Night To Honor Israel in San Antonio, Texas set for Thursday, September 5th. It was great to have our San Antonio Hispanic Outreach City Director Pastor Daniel Gonzalez of Cornerstone Church’s Cornertone Iglesia personally extend the invitation to all of the Hispanic Pastors of Austin. We look forward to greater things to come in our National Hispanic Outreach in the Greater Austin-San Antionio area!