May 15 – Why Israel – Immokalee, FL
The Why Israel event in Immokalee was a great success! Not only was this church educated as to why we should support Israel, but they are sharing the word about Israel all over the Reservation and into the local areas. The pastor was on our most recent Israel trip and after speaking with him over lunch, he shared with me that ever since he came back from Israel, he has been a different man. He was spiritually rejuvenated in Israel, was able to lay down some heavy emotional baggage, just to return home to see a dwindling church rapidly increase in numbers. He credits the Israel trip for several miraculous events that happened in his home life and ministry.
I also found a up and coming College student that is set on attending the Summit and applying for our Bonhoeffer fellowship. This young man is on fire for God and is dedicated to stomping out anti-Semitism wherever it is.