
Mar. 1st San Benito, TX Bilingual Why Israel Event



On Friday, March 1st, our CUFI National Hispanic Outreach Coordinator Rev. Peter De Jesus, together with his wife Rev. Mildred De Jesus, conducted our first-ever bilingual Why Israel event in San Benito, Texas. This epic event was hosted by Pastor Eliu Israel Gonzalez of Templo El Salvador, and it was attended by approximately 110 congregants. Since Rev. De Jesus was accompanied by his wife Mildred, who is the CUFI Daughters For Zion (DFZ) Prayer Network National Hispanic Director, both of them encouraged everyone to join our DFZ prayer network, become CUFI members, and give offerings to our Pro-Israel work. Additionally, everyone was encouraged to make plans to attend our annual DFZ Prayer Conference and CUFI National Summit in Washington, D.C. on July 7th through the 9th.  As a result, the majority of the congregants joined our 5.5 million members of CUFI, committed to praying for Israel, and gave offerings to help with CUFI’s outreach to churches and college campuses throughout our nation. It was an extra blessing to discuss with Host Pastor Gonzalez, the day after our event, his desire to see many more CUFI events conducted in his church and other churches throughout his region in the Texas Rio Grande Valley. We believe this first-time event in this city will result in many more to come!