
June 20th Houston, TX Spanish Pastors Breakfast

On Thursday, June 20th, our CUFI National Hispanic Outreach Coordinator Rev. Peter De Jesus conducted a bilingual Pastors Meeting Breakfast in Houston, Texas. This event was held at the School of Pastors of the Assemblies of God Texas Louisiana Hispanic District led by Superintendent, Pastor Eleazar Rodriguez, Jr., and Assistant Superintendent, Pastor Manuel Vallejo. Together, they co-hosted this event that was attended by approximately 75 Pastors and Ministers of their District. As a result, many of them became members of CUFI, joined our Daughters For Zion Prayer Network, and also gave offerings towards our CUFI On Campus efforts. Lastly, several Pastors expressed their desire to host CUFI events at their local churches within the next year. Thus, this event was very impactful and productive for Zion’s sake!