June 1-4 – Conference – York, NE
The Nebraska UPCI Conference was amazing! For starters I have to say that both me and CUFI have been very warmly welcomed into the UPCI conference this year. This conference was successful for the CUFI mission on several fronts that I will briefly highlight below.
- The interpersonal relationships that are being developed between myself and the pastors in Nebraska were deeply solidified at this conference. They were honored and very thankful that CUFI would allow me to come set up a table at their conference. The Bishop overseeing Nebraska already invited CUFI out to next year’s conference as well.
- I must brag on Pastor Mathis as he helped facilitate getting three different high school students to come by the CUFI booth who signed up for more information. One of the three students is his daughter and all three seem like great future CUFI High Schoolers!
- I was able to find two additional college students interested in CUFI on Campus and have already passed the information along to Cherith!
- The Bishop that oversees Nebraska, Pastor Mathis, and Pastor Alphin all stood up in front of everyone at the conference and promoted CUFI and everything the CUFI stands for. They were willing to put their credibility on the line, and because of it, I have contact information for almost a dozen pastors throughout the state that expressed interest in CUFI and having CUFI come to their churches.
All in all, I see this past conference as a win for CUFI and as a huge step into Nebraska. The field in Nebraska has been plowed, seed has been planted, and how we are starting to see the crop. Praise God for everything that He is doing.