
July 7 Bilingual Standing With Israel Luncheon

Saturday, July 7th, was an extra special day for our CUFI National Hispanic Outreach, since we held both a Bilingual Standing With Israel event and a Pastors & Leaders Luncheon Briefing during the same day in the same place conducted by Rev. Peter De Jesus, our National Hispanic Outreach Coordinator. These two events were held at the Summer Youth Camp of the Florida Multicultural District (FMD) of the Assemblies of God, which occurred in Lakeland, Florida at Southeastern University. Our event host was Rev. Edgar Rivera who serves as the FMD District Youth Director. He adamantly encouraged approximately 150 of their Pastors, Youth/Young Adult Pastors, and Student Leaders to attend these events so they could learn the biblical, historical, and contemporary reasons why Evangelicals should stand with Israel. Consequently, many of them became CUFI members, and some of them even expressed interest in hosting future CUFI events at their local churches. This day was definitely one that carried and contained a double portion impact for the cause of Israel amongst more than one generation of Hispanic Evangelicals!