
July 20 Indian Wells, CA Spanish Pastors Breakfast

On Friday morning, July 20th, in Indian Wells, California, our CUFI National Hispanic Outreach held an epic event, thanks to the great leadership of the Assemblies of God Southern Pacific District. This first-time Spanish Pastors & Leaders Breakfast Briefing in Indian Wells was co-hosted by Superintendent Rev. Sergio Navarrete and Assistant Superintendent Rev. William Rodriguez during their annual District Council. Consequently, we are very grateful for both of these great co-host pastors especially Rev. Rodriguez, who went to Israel with our CUFI National Hispanic Outreach earlier this year. As a result of the pro-Israel message shared by Rev. Peter De Jesus who serves as our National Hispanic Outreach Coordinator, several pastors and leaders joined CUFI and also extended invitations for CUFI events to take place in their local churches and gatherings within the next year. Included in this great group of ministers was the visiting Superintendent of the Assemblies of God in Puerto Rico, Rev. Ivan De La Torre, who also extended an invitation for us to have a CUFI event at their Puerto Rico District Council next year. Additionally, we were also blessed to have attending our event, the Assemblies of God Superintendent of Mexico, Rev. Abel Acevedo. Therefore, needless to say, the huge impact of this event started in Southern California, and now has the potential of spreading throughout our nation, the Caribbean, and even to Mexico!