
Event Recaps

July 11 Swan Lake, NY Standing with Israel

Just as the Apostle Paul told Timothy to be ready in and out of season to share about his faith, our CUFI National Hispanic Outreach Coordinator, Rev. Peter De Jesus, had to be ready for an impromptu opportunity to share his pro-Israel biblical message with the Pastors’ Kids of the Assemblies of God Spanish Eastern District on Wednesday morning, July 11th. This unplanned spontaneous opportunity was made available by ministers Sito Ortiz and Ina Esquilin, who lead the Pastors’ Kids Camp at the annual District Council of this district. Due to their originally scheduled guest speaker not being able to arrive to their camp after all, they asked Rev. De Jesus to share with the Pastors’ Kids about CUFI as he did with their parents the night before at our Spanish Pastors & Leaders Dinner Briefing held there. As a result, many of the Pastors’ Kids, who were youth and young adults, readily received the CUFI pro-Israel message and became members of CUFI. Seeing their parents join CUFI the night before and then seeing the next generation of Christian Leaders join CUFI the morning after was definitely a double portion generational blessing!