
January 20 – Brooklyn, NY – Pastor’s Meeting

On Monday, January 20th, our CUFI National Hispanic Outreach Coordinator Rev. Peter De Jesus conducted our first-ever Spanish Pastors Meeting in Brooklyn, New York at Iglesia Antioquia. This epic event was co-hosted by Presbyter Pastor Francisco Zapata and his colleague Rev. Jaqueline Toro of the Assemblies of God Spanish Eastern District Brooklyn Section and of their District Missions Department. It’s worth noting that Rev. Toro went on our CUFI Latino Pastors Israel Tour last year in March. And as a result, she helped us coordinate this particular historic event which was attended by at least 55 of their Pastors and Ministers in Brooklyn and Staten Island including their very own District Superintendent Rev. Manny Alvarez. It was great to see so many of the attendees receive and respond favorably to the biblical, historical, and modern geo-political reasons as to why Christians should stand with Israel starting with the Pastors themselves. Additionally, during this first-time event, it was also great to hear of their plans to help lead a tour to Israel later this year. And last but not least, it was a blessing to hear that some of their pastors now desire to host CUFI events at their local churches this year. Thus, this first-time Spanish Pastors Meeting in Brooklyn was quite impactful, to say the least!