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Iranian outlet names five Israeli intel and tech experts as potential targets

Iran’s semi-official Fars news agency issued details on five Israelis it warned could be targeted by Tehran, as the Islamic Republic continued to seethe on Monday over the killing of a top Revolutionary Guards official, which it blames on Israel.

Under the headline “Zionists who must live in secret,” Fars claimed that the five, their families and colleagues are “under close surveillance day and night” and that many others were potential targets as well.

The news site, citing “internal government sources,” said the five were “involved in sabotage against Islamic countries and the assassination of activists of the Islamic Resistance.”

The named individuals are Amos Malka, a former head of the Israel Defense Forces Military Intelligence Directorate; Amir Levental, a cybersecurity expert; Gal Ganot, a former senior officer in the IDF’s 8200 intelligence unit; Inbal Arieli, a tech executive who is also a former 8200 officer; and Amit Meltzer, another cybersecurity expert.

The agency published photos of the five under the word “Wanted.”

Read More: Times of Israel