In Holon, a global gaggle of child heart patients get life-saving treatment
Over 30 children and teens from seven countries, the West Bank and Gaza are being treated near Tel Aviv for life-threatening heart conditions, the largest group of patients brought to Israel in over a year by a charitable medical organization that says it has saved thousands of lives over the last quarter century.
The children range in ages from 6 months to 19 years old and come from Ethiopia, Tanzania, Nigeria, Kenya, Kosovo, Uganda and Zambia, as well as the Palestinian Authority and Gaza Strip, said Tamar Shapira, deputy executive director of Save a Child’s Heart.
“This is a big group of children from a big variety of countries. We haven’t had a group like this since the beginning of COVID,” she said Tuesday. “They all speak different languages, are different colors, but they are all being treated by the Save a Child’s Heart team,” she said.
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