
How CUFI has awakened the ‘sleeping giant’ of Christian Zionism


This year, Christians United for Israel, one of the most powerful voices for Israel in the United States, marked its 15th anniversary.

“We could never have imagined CUFI would achieve so much, so quickly. But God has blessed us because we are fulfilling our biblical mandate to stand with Israel and His Chosen people,” Pastor John Hagee, founder and chairman of CUFI, told JNS. “This said, I noted when we launched CUFI that there was a sleeping giant of Christian Zionism in this country. That giant has now been awakened. When millions of people share a passion for Israel, great things are possible.”

Still, the organization and the movement it represents, Christian Zionism, is also one of the least understood. For some American Jews, they see an organization rooted in Christian theology and are reminded of centuries of Christian persecution. Or for others, they see a movement that holds many traditional and conservative values, and consider it out of place in an increasingly diversifying world. Yet a deeper look into CUFI, through its leadership and grassroots supporters, reveals an organization that reflects the diversity and forward-thinking in its support for Israel, and not afraid to call out all forms of bigotry and anti-Semitism while remaining true to its biblical values.

“I won’t use the word ‘proud’ because the glory for CUFI’s success is God’s alone,” said Hagee. “The most significant achievement was bringing together millions of people from many different backgrounds and denominations across America in support of one single cause—Israel and the Jewish people.”

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