
February 21 – Phoenix, AZ – Why Israel?

On Friday, February 21st, our CUFI National Hispanic Outreach Coordinator, Rev. Peter De Jesus, conducted a Spanish Why Israel event in Phoenix, Arizona at Iglesia Cristiana Betel led by Pastor Joshua Herrera, who is a CUFI Pastors Israel Tour Alumnus from 2018. As a result of the great impact our Pastors Israel Tour had on his life and ministry, Pastor Herrera hosted his second CUFI event. Approximately, 40 people attended this particular event and many of them became members of CUFI and gave offerings towards our CUFI On Campus efforts. It was great to have in attendance at this event our CUFI Arizona State Director Bishop Charles Folkner and our CUFI West Phoenix, AZ Hispanic Outreach City Director Pastor Lorenzo Martinez. Additionally, it was wonderful to hear from Pastor Herrera about his plans to attend our CUFI DC Summit this year and his plans to take a group of his congregation and other congregations to Israel in 2021. Thus, this event made an impact on multiple levels!