
February 2 – Night To Honor Israel – Pace, FL

At the end of 2019, Pastor Joey Rogers and CUFI Eastern Regional Director, Victor Styrsky began discussing a Night to Honor Israel in Florida that could be used to begin promoting the upcoming 15th Annual CUFI Washington Summit. The only date available for the very sought after Keynote Speaker, Irving Roth, was February 2, 2020 – the night of the Super Bowl. Our faith urged us forward and having put in the heavy pre-event promo and prayer, we were yet astonished to walk out of the Green Room and into a sanctuary packed with over 1,000 attendees. This event, was the super event of the evening in heaven’s sight – and we were all blessed to be there. Pastor Victor thanked all those in attendance while also reminding them that this was just “the huddle.” The real battle will take place on the field of Washington, DC in June – and many committed to joining us this year.