February 12 – Why Israel? & Pastors’ Lunch – Milwaukee, WI
Pastor McMurtry hit the ball out of the park today during our Pastor’s Lunch in Milwaukee. He did such a thorough job giving the pastors that showed up today a solid 30,000 foot view of why Christians should be supporting Israel and really dove into the relationship between the African American community and the Jewish community. Not only did I learn something, but every pastor in the room learned things they didn’t know prior to coming. Pastor McMurtry has a very systematic plan on how to increase the CUFI presence in Milwaukee and the pastors that attended the meeting today will almost certainly play a role in getting some momentum going. I was able at the end of Pastor Tim’s piece to inform the pastors of many of the things CUFI offers and made sure they all know how to get involved and each of the pastors happily took one of my cards and expressed an interest to take the CUFI educational resource to another level. I have extremely high hopes for Wisconsin under the ambitious and calculated State Director we have and am quite certain I will be back in Wisconsin before long doing follow up events.