
December 8 – Memphis, TN – Friends of Israel

Bob Scott was invited to bring CUFI materials and have a presence at the annual Memphis Friends of Israel Festival, where there was 5000+ in attendance to hear speakers and interact with vendors and information booths. Bob and Holly Scott interacted with both Jewish and Christian attenders of the festival from 11am-5pm, bringing the CUFI message to those in attendance as well as promoting the upcoming 2020 Summit in Washington D.C. Information was given out and questions of mission and purpose of CUFI was explained, and CUFI was able to add 66 new members, both Christians and Jewish individuals to the movement, with many others taking materials home and being directed to the website for further review. Several of the conference attenders stopped by the booth to thank CUFI for the work they do to support the Jewish people and the nation of Israel. Many contacts were also made for further events in the Memphis and West Tennessee area.