
December 11 – Fort Myers, FL – Why Israel

On Wednesday, December 11th, our CUFI National Hispanic Outreach Coordinator Rev. Peter De Jesus conducted our first-ever bilingual Why Israel event in Fort Meyers, Florida at Rosa de Saron Assembly of God. This epic event was coordinated by Rev. Nehemias Santiago of Santiago Evangelistic Ministries, and it was hosted by Senior Pastor Jimiro Feliciano of Rosa de Saron A/G. It’s worth mentioning that both ministers went on our CUFI Spring and Fall Latino Pastors Israel Tours earlier this year. As a result of the great impact our Israel Tours had on their lives, they collaborated to host this historic event which was attended by over 125 congregants including two other pastors of other churches in the Florida Southwest region. It was great to see the attendees respond very well to our CUFI presentation as many of them became CUFI members and also gave offerings to the great work of CUFI On Campus. Additionally, it was great to find out that the visiting Pastors now desire to host a CUFI event at their church in addition to Pastor Feliciano desiring to host another event in his church next year. Thus, this event was very successful for Zion’s sake!