
CUFI Talking Points: 13 year old stabbed to death in her bed by a Palestinian terrorist

We at CUFI are shocked and heartbroken today to learn that 13 year old Hallel Yaffa Ariel was stabbed to death by a Palestinian terrorist who broke into her bedroom in Kiryat Arba. The loss of her young b eautiful life, so full of promise and innocence, is deeply mourned by everyone in Israel and the CUFI community. We offer her family our prayers and support during their time of grief.

Sadly, this type of brutal and unwarranted attack against innocent Israeli civilians in their own homes happens all too frequently. We urge President Abbas and worldwide leaders to immediately and unequivocally condemn this barbaric and cowardly act of terrorism. The Palestinian Authority must also end its abhorrent practice of incitement that leads to terrorism, such as the statement by a senior Abbas aide, Sultan Abu al-Einein, earlier this week that encouraged Palestinians “wherever you see an Israeli, slit his throat.”

Hours after Hallel’s murder, another Palestinian terrorist stabbed two people, a man and a woman, in Netanya. The attacker was shot and killed by an armed civilian shortly before security forces arrived on the scene The male victim is currently in serious condition and the woman is in moderate condition. Our prayers are with them for their full recovery.

Hallel’s murder makes her the 34th Israeli killed in a wave of Palestinian terror attacks that have swept the nation since October 1, 2015. For nine months, Israeli civilians have been targeted by an ongoing series of stabbings, shootings, car-rammings, and suicide attacks. The world has remained mostly silent, often choosing to ignore the terror while condemning Israel’s response to it.

But the world cannot continue to ignore the murderous hatred of radical Islam that threatens Jews, Christians, Muslims and so many others around the world. Just two days ago attackers believed to be connected to ISIS murdered over 40 people and injured more than 230 others in the suicide attack on Istanbul’s Ataturk Airport. Earlier this month a terrorist who pledged allegiance to ISIS murdered 49 people in Orlando, and before that it was Brussels, San Bernardino, and Paris. The exact same hatred that murdered Hallel also murdered all of these other victims. It is time for the world to stop looking the other way and recognize that Israel’s enemies are also our enemies. We in CUFI will do everything in our power to tell the truth about this terror and to stand by our greatest ally in the fight against this terror — Israel.