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Bahraini activists find common ground with Israelis on country-wide tour

Just over a year ago the sight of Bahrainis touring Jerusalem’s Old City would’ve been unimaginable. But last week, the unimaginable happened as nine Bahraini activists toured the Jewish Quarter with the first Bahraini delegation organized by the NGO Sharaka.
The group drew curious gazes from Israelis as they took a guided tour through the Cardo and to the Western Wall. The locals were quick to sneak selfies with the Bahrainis, as if they were celebrities.
The delegates were on an eight-day trip to experience Israel for themselves, and to lay the foundation for interpersonal connections for peace between Israelis and Bahrainis.
“We don’t want the Abraham Accords to remain at the government level, we also want it at the level of the people,” said Dan Feferman, Sharaka’s director of communications and global affairs.