August 31 – Noche de Honra Por Israel – San Antonio, TX
The Spanish language Night to Honor Israel, NOCHE DE HONRA POR ISRAEL held the 31st of August 2022 at Cornerstone Iglesia in San Antonio was a powerful experience for all who attended. Visitors, church members and several invited lead pastors from other congregations filled the venue and together engaged in high energy praise and worship with much joy. Our national anthem was sung beautifully by the Farhart Family as well as a heart warming rendition of Hatikva, the Israeli national anthem. It was a special night where we also remembered the life of our beloved Rabbi Aryeh Scheinberg Z”l, Pastor Hagee’s best friend and key ally in pro-Israel work. His son, Rabbi Avraham Scheinberg was present and shared a powerful benediction that set the tone for the evening. The important work of CUFI on Campus was featured by a student leader. Praise dancers graced the stage with an inspiring presentation of banners and tambourines. The flow was wonderful. I had an opportunity to share a passionate message entitled: “El milagro llamado Israel” (The Miracle Called Israel), and made a call to all present to fully engage in the defense of God’s beloved people and the State of Israel. Many were encouraged to join CUFI’s ranks, thus transforming their faith into action! A big thank you goes to Pastors Daniel and Brenda González who so perfectly hosted this fabulous event.