
August 16th Rochester, NY Bilingual Why Israel Event

On Friday, August 16th, our National Hispanic Outreach Coordinator Rev. Peter De Jesus and his wife Rev. Mildred De Jesus, who is CUFI’s Daughter For Zion Hispanic Outreach Director, conducted our first-ever Why Israel bilingual event in the city of Rochester, New York. This historic event was hosted by Senior Pastors Ruben and Nilsa Serrano of Light of the World Assembly of God, and it was attended by our CUFI Region 10 Directors Pastors Ron and Karen Domina of Bethel Christian Fellowship in Rochester. We were also blessed to have with us the former Senior Pastor of the host church Pastor Luis Hernandez who went on one of our CUFI Pastors Israel Tours in 2013. Due to the desire of Pastors Domina, Hernandez, and Serrano to finally have a first-time CUFI Hispanic Outreach bilingual event in their city, this event took place with over 80 congregants of the host church. Upon receiving greetings from Pastors Domina and Hernandez followed by Rev. De Jesus’ CUFI presentation, it was great to see so many of the congregants become CUFI members, join our Daughters For Zion Prayer Network, and give a special offering towards our CUFI On Campus efforts. It was also great to hear from Pastors Serrano after this event that they already desire to host another event in 2020 to which they will invite Hispanic churches from all over Rochester and the northwest region of New York. We believe this is just the beginning of what will be a great CUFI Hispanic outreach to this city and region!