April 4 – Indian Land, SC – Why Israel
I was given the honor of sharing the message of CUFI with the Sun City, South Carolina Jewish community tonight. A small Christian Bible Study group joined us and right on cue one of its members attempted to turn the evening into a preaching platform. “And what is your question?” I asked with a big smile. The preaching started up again and I cut her off saying, “We’re not gonna do that sister,” and it was on! Didn’t last long (reminding her this was my event) and at that point she announced I was making anti-Semitism worse?! The pastor and his wife who lead the Bible study came over to me afterwards expressing their thanks for the message (the wife noting over and over again how there was so much she had learned) and their embarrassment of the behavior from one of ‘theirs.’ I stayed late with a large group of new Jewish friends of CUFI and simply an unforgettable way to spend my birthday!