April 23 – Pastors’ Meeting – Cuyahoga Falls, OH
The Event was organized by Pr. Santa Gajmere, who’s is one the Bhutanese pastors who went to Israel with us in February. His passion for Israel was displayed in all the way he organized the event and in the excitement the pastors who came to hear about CUFI and they signed up for the Israel Pledge cards.
In addition to the pastor’s trip, some of the main and detailed questions were on how the pastors who just went to Israel can take their church members to Israel through the CUFI United Pastors Church Trip. Right now, Pr. Santa told me he and his church leaders are organizing a trip to take their church to Israel next year.
In addition, our Campus coordinator Evan Matthew was shared about CUFI on Campus with the pastors about the work we do on college campuses.