April 23 – Pastors’ Breakfast – Fair Hills, NJ
As I pulled into the parking lot of the new CUFI affiliated church due to their pastor having just returned from a CUFI Pastor’s Israel Trip, I jumped out of my car just in time for the wind to hit the beautiful flag of Israel opening up for all to see on the very busy main road that goes right past the church! I asked the pastor about it and he told me that they wanted everyone who did not go to their church in the city to know where they stood. A team of women were busy preparing the food for our breakfast and I recognized Kristen Brennan, Headmaster of ACS, American Christian School as one of them. In early 2021 I had presented the CUFI Israel Course to 12 schools in New Jersey and she was one of the leaders at the event. She asked if she could stay for the Pastor’s Breakfast presentation, even though she was not a pastor and I of course welcomed her! Part way through the Why Israel message she blurted out how that she was more excited than ever that American Christian School would be implementing the Israel Course with their graduating seniors this year! I have turned over all her information to our High School Outreach Coordinator, Connie Hammond along with the contact information of each of the other school leaders who were in attendance at the same presentation where Kristen was introduced to the course.