
July 30 – Israel Is – Gooding, ID

We had an outstanding Sunday at Gooding, Idaho Calvary Chapel church, with many who attended that have not known about CUFI. The atmosphere was thick with love for Israel, and curiosity about what the service would consist of. The response was strong and many people signed the Israel Pledge Card. The CUFI table was empty of materials after the service. Some of the people desired information about attending Summit next year. The People gave towards supporting CUFI, and wanted to continue to hold out the signing of the Israel Pledge cards for another couple of weeks to get those who missed the service to fill out a card. I also had several in the congregation who availed themselves to serve and support CUFI and it’s efforts.

They loved hearing about the 65,000+ CUFI members in Idaho, and they so appreciated being briefed in the efforts put forth in our State that help support Israel. And, to add a bit more, people wanted to know about the Summit event in 2024.

So many of the folks were impacted by the depth and information of the presentation. I think the, “Israel Is” presentation is so perfect for a Sunday morning setting. It’s set up to be so well received.

I believe we closed out this amazing day putting a big smile on God’s face. He blessed the entire day. I believe we raised the visibility of CUFI quite significantly in Idaho. I’m excited to see what fruit will come from this.