
Israeli Company Helps US National Institutes of Health Fight Coronavirus

Israeli data company MDClone is supporting the US National Institutes of Health in the fight against the coronavirus crisis.

The Beersheba-based company, established four years ago, provides big-data solutions for healthcare systems and works with organizations in several countries, including Israel, the US and Canada.

As explained to The Jerusalem Post by its chief commercial officer Josh Rubel, MDClone has developed a platform that will turn data from academic medical centers into researchable material while protecting patients’ privacy.

“The scenario with COVID-19 is at pandemic level, but the number of cases in an individual institution is not necessarily high,” he pointed out. “In the US there are some two million cases now, but they are very spread out, so there is a real need to aggregate the data and make them available to researchers who are interested in understanding best practices, treatment options and the disease behavior.”

The NIH works with dozens of medical centers across the country.

The service offered by the company will ingest the data provided by them and maintain all its features, but create fictitious patients associated with them.

Read More: Jerusalem Post