Who will stand for freedom in the Middle East?

Who will stand for freedom in the Middle East?

In its Declaration of Independence, Israel affirms itself as the homeland for all Jews, yet commits to a democracy defined by equality for all, irrespective of national origin; this democracy will be “based on freedom, justice and peace as envisaged by the prophets of Israel.” In other words, Israel will be a Jewish and democratic state, the first and only in the modern world.

Certain elements of Israel’s society are defined by its Jewish identity; the Israeli flag, for example, features a “Magen David,” or Shield of David. Ha-tikvah (“The Hope”), Israel’s national anthem, also highlights Jewish themes and the Jewish connection to Israel. Israel today is a thriving Jewish and pluralistic nation with a vibrant civil society and social movements.

As Israel’s Declaration of Independence promises, there is enfranchisement for all citizens, and all citizens are equal under the law, regardless of their faith, race or ancestry. Israel is a haven for minorities in the Middle East who live their lives without oppression. For example, the Christian community in Israel is growing, and Christians living in the Jewish state are highly educated. Likewise, Arab-Israelis hold elected office in Israel, serve as high-ranking officers in the military, and represent Israel in diplomatic posts abroad. The Arabic language holds a “special status” in Israel, in recognition of its importance to the minority community.

As the only democracy in the Middle East, Israel is a beacon of light and freedom. Find out how you can stand in solidarity with the Jewish state and her people by visiting cufi.org/warroom.


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To learn more about Israel’s diversity despite its decidedly Jewish character, study Lesson 4 of The Israel Course.