Diana Hagee
Co-Executive Director, Christians United for Israel
Diana Hagee is married to Pastor John Hagee, founder of Cornerstone Church, Hagee Ministries, and Christians United for Israel.
Among her ministry duties Diana coordinates special events for Cornerstone Church and its many outreaches. Diana also assists Kendal Hagee, her daughter-in-law, and Senior Pastor’s wife, in overseeing and teaching the Embraced Women’s Ministries of Cornerstone Church.
Diana is the author of the best-selling book “The King’s Daughter—Becoming a Woman of God,” which was awarded the Retailers Choice Award; “The King’s Daughter Workbook”; “Ruth, the Romance of Redemption—A Love Story”; “Hannah’s Song—What Love Looks Like.” She and Pastor Hagee co-authored “What Every Man Wants in a Woman—What Every Woman Wants in a Man.” Diana also wrote Not by Bread Alone”, a cookbook encouraging inspired ministry through food.
Gifted with the spirit of hospitality, Diana and Pastor Hagee have opened their home and hearts to thousands over their 46-year marriage. Family, church members, ministry partners, and fellow ministers alike have all made great memories around the Hagee table. On these occasions, her kitchen becomes a bustling beehive of activity creating mouth-watering dishes inspired by three generations of great cooks and an abundance of unconditional love.
Diana holds a Bachelor of Science from Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. She was presented the prestigious Lion of Judah award by the Jewish Federation of Greater Houston for the long-standing work she and Pastor Hagee do on behalf of Israel and the Jewish people. In 2021, The Algemeiner Journal, a newspaper that covers American and international Jewish and Israel-related news, named Diana and Shari Dollinger, Christians United for Israel’s co-executive directors among the top 100 individuals positively influencing Jewish life.
One of Diana’s many desires is to make Cornerstone Church a place known for its hospitality and where the Gospel is preached in word and deed.
John and Diana Hagee live in San Antonio, Texas. They have five children, five in-loves, and thirteen beautiful grandchildren.