As a symbol of our privilege to witness the Lord uphold His promise to His people, CUFI has commissioned an exclusive custom-made in Israel Christmas ornament to adorn your tree. This handmade gold ornament, which reads “Surely, I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live,” features the symbol chai, which means life in Hebrew. The nations of the world have witnessed Israel amazingly come alive as a nation, as a leader in innovations, and as a humanitarian hand to the needy—yes Israel has come to life!

This month, CUFI’s custom Christmas ornament, yours with your gift of any amount, is also a reminder that despite centuries of dispersion, discrimination, and attempted destruction…Israel lives!And this truth is rooted in the promises of our God, to revive and restore the nation of Israel and her people.

I urge you to give generously in support of CUFI’s mission to help protect Israel and the Jewish people. Together, we can continue to work and see the fulfillment of God’s promises of peace, hope, and life for His people.